close up solar panels with evening sunlight are the background.How Reliable Are Solar Panels?

Summer has arrived in Arizona, and the scorching temperatures can put the reliability of the electric grid to the test. Frequent power outages are not just a nuisance, but they can be detrimental when homeowners rely on their air conditioners to stay cool in the brutal heat. If you’re worried about keeping the power on during a heat wave this summer, solar power can provide a reliable solution—here’s how.

How Solar Panels Provide Reliable Power

Solar panels produce clean, renewable energy by converting sunlight into electricity. Not only does this contribute to a more stable electric grid and sustainable future, but it also supplies you with a consistent source of energy whenever the sun is shining. Installing solar panels on your property can provide 25+ years of benefits, such as:

  • Lower energy bills – By generating your own electricity, you’ll see significant savings on your monthly electric bill and may even eliminate your bill entirely.
  • Fast payback period – Solar panels will pay for themselves for most homeowners in under ten years, giving you a quick return on your investment.
  • Protection from rising electricity rates – Solar panel installation will lock in your cost for electricity, shielding you from rising rates from APS.

Install Battery Storage for Ultimate Energy Independence

Solar battery systems store the excess electricity your panels generate during the day for you to use when the sun isn’t shining, making it a key component of reliable solar energy. This ensures a continuous supply of electricity, even at night or when the grid goes down. In Arizona, where power outages are becoming a more common concern, having a battery storage system can provide peace of mind and energy security, allowing you to be truly energy independent. While battery storage is a requirement for off-grid solar, it can also reduce your dependence on the grid and protect you from unexpected power disruptions for grid-tied systems.

Get the Most Out of Solar Energy with SouthFace Solar & Electric

We understand that every home and business has a unique set of energy needs, which is why our team of experts offer customized solar solutions. Since 2017, SouthFace Solar & Electric has provided homeowners and businesses with high-performance solar installations based on our unique process that involves:

  • Custom solutions- Every installation starts with an energy evaluation that’s all about you, your property, and your needs.
  • Simplified end-to-end service – Our team will be there for you every step of the way, from permits and inspections to claiming solar incentives and navigating your financing options. 
  • Top-tier equipment – SouthFace Solar & Electric independently uses industry leading brands, like Enphase and Generac, offering competitive pricing on a wide selection of solar products. 
  • 25-year warranty – We stand behind our quality of workmanship and will even give you a simple explanation of your estimated payback period once we understand the full scope of your solar installation.
  • Ongoing energy monitoring – We’ll make sure your solar energy system is operating at peak performance throughout its lifetime. We also offer comprehensive solar maintenance and repair services if something goes wrong down the line.

Schedule a free solar estimate from SouthFace Solar & Electric today. Call 480-405-6105 or contact us online to get started.