electric poleLoad Shifting: What It Is & How It Works 

On summer evenings in Arizona, millions of people come home from work around the same time and crank up their air conditioning. They may also turn on the oven to start cooking dinner, put a load of laundry in the dryer, and run the dishwasher, all at the same time. 

This sudden increase in electricity consumption puts a strain on the electric grid and can lead to blackouts. Load shifting is a technique that can be used to reduce the demand on the electric grid during specific times of day, improving its resiliency.

What Is Load Shifting?

Before we can talk about load shifting, we need to clarify what we mean by load. An electrical load is any component of an electrical circuit that consumes power. In a household setting, appliances and electronics are considered electrical loads. So, for example, your air conditioner is one load, your refrigerator is another load, and your TV is another load. 

Load shifting is a load management technique in which large electrical loads are moved from peak electricity demand hours to off-peak hours. When you load shift, you don’t use less electricity. You simply move larger loads, like running your clothes dryer or charging your EV, to a different time of day.

What Are the Advantages of Load Shifting?

There are two main benefits of load shifting your electricity consumption. 

  1. Avoid Time of Use (TOU) Rates – If you’re on a TOU rate plan with APS, you pay more for electricity during peak hours (weekdays from 4 pm to 7 pm). By shifting larger loads outside of these hours, you can avoid higher rates and save money. Learn more about APS rate plans.
  2. Improve Grid Resiliency – Shifting electricity consumption away from peak hours helps increase grid resiliency for everyone in Arizona and reduces the risk of blackouts.

Load Shifting with Solar + Battery Storage

Load shifting can save you money and help you avoid expensive time of use rates. But it can also be extremely frustrating. On-peak hours are, after all, the most popular time to use electricity. From 4 pm to 7 pm (APS Energy on-peak hours) it’s still hot out and you want your air conditioning running on high. You’re also probably just getting home from work and need to start cooking dinner and taking care of chores like laundry. 

Residential solar panels and battery storage give you the freedom to use electricity whenever you want to without worrying about increased time of use rates. With a solar panel and battery storage system, you can shift from using grid-generated power to stored solar energy during on-peak hours. By shifting to stored energy, you’re able to avoid time of use rates without having to adjust your habits.

Find Solar Saving Solutions for Your Arizona Home

SouthFace Solar & Electric is the leading solar panel and battery storage installer in Arizona. We design custom solar power systems that give you total control over your own energy usage. Our unique process puts you first and ensures your solar power system aligns with your electricity needs, aesthetic preferences, and budget. Bringing more power to you is our number one priority and we will help you go solar with no regrets. 

Take control of your electricity production with solar panels and battery storage. Call 480-405-6105 or contact us to get a free solar estimate.